Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
Oral LASER applications - The use of LASER in dentistry
With the use of LASER applications, dental services can incorporate the most recent technological developments in various fields of Dentistry.
With the use of LASER in dentistry, dentists can implement a range of treatments that likely would not have been possible without this technology.
Thanks to the LASER, the sound of the dental drill, the painful injections and the discomfort of the patient, are a thing of the past. LASER treatment makes the visit to the dentist more enjoyable.
Dentists can perform soft tissue surgery, treatment of tooth decay, root disinfection, gum hypersensitivity, dental conditions, and facial cosmetic treatments in much less time. There is less bleeding, faster rehabilitation and minimal risk of infections.
How much do we actually know about LASERs?
Most of us associate lasers with what we have learned from the movies and TV. Because of this many will treat the term with apprehension and even fear.
The term L.A.S.E.R. originated as an acronym for “light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation”. In other words, each laser is monochromatic amplified light, in a specific wavelength. All lasers belong to the visible spectrum and mainly to the infrared (long-wavelength). To sum up, a laser is a device that when operated by experienced personnel is completely harmless and patient-friendly, since it is just a light!

Lasers can be used in many ways in dentistry thanks to different types of lasers. In our dental practice, we use two of the main types: Er:YAG is a laser for tougher tissues and Nd:YAG one for softer tissues and sterilization.
The Er: YAG Laser with its 2940nm light wavelength can be absorbed, to a great extent, by water. It owes its cutting attributes to this absorption because the hard tissues we are interested in, such as teeth decay, plaque, bone and soft tissues, contain water. Even the cell wall of the microbes contains water. That means that the area where the dentist applies the laser is completely sterilized.
Besides, the Laser is either completely painless or almost painless. Therefore, thanks to Laser technology, the dental drill and the use of anaesthesia are not necessary.
Moreover, another application of Er: YAG Laser is in Periodontology. The Laser gives spectacular results in the surgical treatment of periodontitis or implants, without the need for any surgical instruments. Apart from sub-wound tartar removal, there is instant sterilization of the pocket. In fact, no other conventional treatment can offer this. Thanks to the use of LASER in dentistry there is a spectacular and immediate improvement of the clinical picture.

The wavelength of the Nd: YAG Laser is 1064nm. It has a lower water absorption index and greater absorption depth of about 3-4mm. Therefore it is an excellent, fast cutting tool for soft tissues. In addition, due to its deep absorption depth, it can sterilize to a great depth. It’s useful in soft tissue surgery, cosmetic surgery, lesion removal and more. However, one of its most impressive applications is in the treatment of herpes. With just a few pulses from the Laser, in a few seconds, the dentist can treat herpes without any anaesthetic. The symptoms immediately disappear and after one or two days there is not even a scar.
Another great application of Nd: YAG Laser is eliminating microbes and bacteria.
Also, the laser can treat Periodontitis and Peristefanitis. It offers quick recovery of the follicles and at the same time provides sterilization.
Moreover, the contribution LASER offers to root canal treatments is highly important. One of the most difficult problems a dentist faces is eliminating all microbes in the root canal and underneath it. A Laser is an ideal tool for this thanks to its deep penetration and sterilization.
Hence, the dentist can complete the root canal treatment in just one appointment.
And that’s not all. The specific type of laser used in our dental surgery has been upgraded. This enables us to perform facial cosmetic procedures such as hair removal and upper lip wrinkle smoothing.
The laser is the most advanced and friendliest approach for any dental patient.
It eliminates our fears of the dental drill, the usual pain associated with dental treatment and even the use of anaesthetic. Every use of the laser is harmless and completely safe when used by experienced and trained personnel.
With the use of laser applications, dental services incorporate the most recent technological developments in various fields in Dental Medicine.
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