Metal-Ceramic crowns
Metal ceramic crowns consist of excellent biocompatible alloys covered by a special ceramic material, porcelain.
When you lack one or more teeth between existing strong teeth, we do not want to replace them with implants. Instead, we place a bridge.
You can also read more about full ceramic crowns here. Or find out all about porcelain veneers by clicking here.

They can be used for large immobile prosthetic restorations or to support mobile prosthetics
- Time resistant
- Resilient to vibrations
- It is not absorbent to colorings
We do not suggest metal-ceramic crowns if the patient is looking for impeccable aesthetic results.
- After a certain period of time because of age or traumatic brushing, the metal skeleton is showing and the patient might complain that the tooth turns “grey”
- Special handling is required by a specialist in order to achieve an impeccable fit
- Crown shade
When there is extensive tooth damage, in order to enhance it and preserve it, we place a crown. Each crown or bridge consists of a skeleton and a cosmetic cover over the skeleton, which in these specific crowns, consists of biocompatible metal.
A crown usually lasts up to 10-15 years or even longer, on the condition that the patient takes satisfactory care of their dental and mouth hygiene.
There are cases though where it needs to be replaced earlier if it is diagnosed.
Moreover, metal-ceramic crowns and bridges are very hard. Therefore, they are extremely resilient. In addition, the aesthetic result is satisfying.

Teeth restoration with metal-ceramic crowns
What problems can be caused by tooth loss and non-replacement?
The loss of one or more teeth always affects facial aesthetics. This also happens in the case where the missing teeth are in the back of the mouth and are not visible in the smile.
Mastication (chewing)
In the process of chopping and chewing food, each tooth plays a distinct and special role. As a result, even the loss of a single tooth causes displacement to the other teeth. Therefore, the patient swallows the food without chewing it properly.
The loss of even a small number of teeth always affects speech.
In jaw closure and operation.
In a full and normal denture, the upper teeth lean down in a harmonious manner and work together in the different movements of the mouth. But if you lack one or more teeth, the whole balance of the system is disrupted.
Beautiful smile does not only consist of pearly white and well-formed teeth.
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