Surgical treatments

Are you thinking about getting dental surgical treatment?

There are various forms of useful dental surgical treatment. Whether you are interested in tooth extractiongum surgerybone tissue graft, or a sinus lift. We can help you while providing you with top-class treatment, from incredible staff and a pleasant environment.

  • Tooth extraction: When no other form of treatment can save a tooth, the dental surgeon removes the tooth.
  • Gum surgery: This is the surgical removal of gingival tissue as a therapeutic intervention. This is done in case of persistent periodontal disease or for purely aesthetic reasons.
  • Bone tissue graft: This is the surgical procedure where the surgeon restores the loss of bone after an injury, gum disease or tooth extraction.
  • Sinus lift: This is the surgical procedure where the surgeon lifts the membrane, and bone graft material is placed to elongate the bone.

Scroll down to find the different kinds of treatments and click on any of them to find out what they are and how we can complete such surgery to improve your dental health and quality of life.


Are you interested in undergoing one of the treatments below? Check our list of prices here.
You can also check out the other many services that we provide here.

implant procedure

However, if you find yourself having doubts, please read more about dental holidays and how you can combine your holidays with a visit to our highly trained dentist.

Or get in contact with our dentist directly to find out how we can help you.

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See below.

34 Chandakos str.

(1st Floor) Heraklion, Crete Greece

+44 20 3286 9178

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